Saudi Arabia-based OFWS need help asap

>> Friday, January 7, 2011

Probing abuses of Saudi Arabian employers on Filipino migrant workers had long been overdue. With a number of mysterious deaths, rape incidents, and many OFWs languishing in jail, one will be exasperated on the inaction of the Philippine government to address these issues and give a helping hand to the number of OFWs working in Saudi Arabia. This recent action of some congressmen to do an investigation, is worth the praise that they deserve. We pray that such will be followed up with more concrete action to help migrant workers who continue to give remittances to their families and to the Philippine economy.Here's an update:

A four-member congressional delegation will fly to Saudi Arabia on Saturday to investigate the unusually large number of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) being detained or awaiting trial for various offenses in the oil-rich kingdom.

Members of the House committee on overseas workers, led by chair Akbayan party-list representative Walden Bello, will be visiting distressed OFWs in Saudi from January 8 to 13.

“There have been numerous reports of OFWs being abused, maltreated and jailed in the Middle East,” said Bello.

“We are going on a mission to determine their living conditions and the quality of assistance that offices of the Philippine government provide for them,” he said.

In Riyadh, 313 have been convicted, 300 are awaiting trial, on trial, or under investigation; and 50 are detained prior to deportation, according to Bello.

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